Al Gore is running in 2008
Al gore is running in 2008. Reporters confirmed that according to gore advisers gore is seriously considering to run in 2008.Part of the TranscriptMATTHEWS: Welcome back. That was Al Gore showering Howard Dean with praise back in the 2004 election. Now they're both back on the scene. Howard Dean is the likely now leader of the Democratic Party. And get this, Al Gore is the comeback presidential contender in the year 2008. Katrina, what are you hearing? Ms. VANDEN HEUVEL: Hearing that he's talking to people about coming back. And you know, when you think last year when he worked with MoveOn, gave a series of really tough, very good speeches against the Bush administration, in a way he was preparing his comeback. But there is talk, and I think... MATTHEWS: He was anti-war. Ms. VANDEN HEUVEL: He wa--well, more than anti-war. He was anti-war, he was laying out the critique of the civil--of this administration on civil liberties, on environment, whole slew of things. And he attracted the generation that's come to Dean as well. Very Internet savvy, connected. MATTHEWS: Mm-hmm. Ms. VANDEN HEUVEL: I could see a Nix--Nixon scenario, by the way. MATTHEWS: I can see that, too. Ms. VANDEN HEUVEL: You know, Nixon goes around... MATTHEWS: Howard, how goes... Ms. VANDEN HEUVEL: players in Congress. MATTHEWS: ...the Nixon comeback scenario? Mr. FINEMAN: Well, I talked to one of his closest advisers who told me he had had a long conversation. MATTHEWS: On background or on the record? Mr. FINEMAN: Well, the--the--the--the conversation is on background, but the guy said he'd spoken at length with Gore. And what Gore is saying is that the political winds are at his back, that he feels that the message and the tone the he, Al Gore, took in 2000, where he did that populous message, as he tried to put forth--and he got criticized for, was the right way to go. Not the DLC moderate, democratic way, but the full-throated populist way now makes sense and that's why the times have changed and the world or certainly the Democratic Party are ready for Al Gore. At least that's what he was saying to this very close adviser who, by the way, was taking him seriously. He wasn't laughing him off when they were discussing it.