Minnesotans join the push for Obama bid
Minnesotans join the push for Obama bidLast update: January 05, 2007 – 11:54 A volunteer group urging Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., to run for president has started a Minnesota chapter and is organizing its first event.Paul Provost of Minneapolis, who owns a commercial cleaning company and has no political experience, is Minnesota director of draftobama.org.
The national movement has created an online petition and a TV ad that has run in New Hampshire and Hawaii. Minnesota's rollout event will be a Jan. 13 walk in Minneapolis, starting at 12:30 p.m. in front of 3001 Hennepin Av. S.
The national movement has created an online petition and a TV ad that has run in New Hampshire and Hawaii. Minnesota's rollout event will be a Jan. 13 walk in Minneapolis, starting at 12:30 p.m. in front of 3001 Hennepin Av. S.
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