We SUPPORT and ENDORSE JOHN EDWARDS, HILLARY CLINTON , Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Dennis Kucinich, Tom Vilsack, Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd, John Kerry , Wesley Clark and their SUPPORTERS AND OTHER DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES




Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Keith Olbermann KOs fraudulent accusations about Al Gore's electricity usage

Keith Olbermann KOs fraudulent accusations about Al Gore's electricity usage
Reported by Chrish - February 28, 2007 - 7 comments
As noted early this morning, Drew Johnson's Tn Center for Policy Research is not recognized as a "legitimate organization" by the TN Dept. of Revenue, yet he's been all over FOX News calling Al Gore a hypocrite. Keith Olbermann further exposes the shoddy manipulative work they do to further the right-wing agenda and simultaneously proves the Al Gore is not a hypocrite - he's walking the walk. With video.
Johnson fudged the numbers, not pointing out to viewers that Gore's electricity is way more expensive per kwh than normal because he buys green energy, so of course his bill would be higher by multiples right off the bat. His usage is higher than average because he lives in a much larger home than average, which houses offices for both himself and his wife, guest quarters, and has extra security measures. Johnson's hosts (Hannity and Gibson) added to the misconception of Gore's supposed hypocrisy by muddying the issue of carbon offsets, rather than clarifying and educating viewers. (This reminds me so much of the bamboozlement employed at OJ Simpson's trial, where jurors were so overwhelmed by confusing information on DNA evidence that they chose to ignore it.)
Johnson's attempts to smear Gore and provide lame documentation should have been uncovered by the "journalists" at FOX who hosted him, much like they insist Dan Rather should have confirmed the origin of the documents that got him in so much trouble. But, as they accuse Rather, this guy was bolstering their case against Al Gore - he's been all over FOX.
Now that he's been exposed as a total fraud, will FOX News correct the record and clear Gore's name, or will they let the smears stand?
Keith Olbermann provides some MATH on the subject:

Matt Drudge v. Al Gore

Matt Drudge v. Al Gore
The Drudge Report is known mostly as a wildly popular online news outlet, but when the site's creator and editor, Matt Drudge, wants to insert his editorial voice into the national debate, he certainly can, and does. Drudge lashed out at Al Gore this Monday after Gore's movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," took the Oscar for Best Documentary.
Citing a press release by the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, Drudge reports that Gore's Tennessee household uses twenty times as much energy as the average person's home, and that the former vice president's energy consumption has increased since the release of his anti-global warming film. "The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy," the report says. "In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh -- more than 20 times the national average."
Gore shot back at Drudge Monday through an interview with the liberal Web site ThinkProgress:
Responding to Drudge's attack, Vice President Gore's office told ThinkProgress:
1) Gore's family has taken numerous steps to reduce the carbon footprint of their private residence, including signing up for 100 percent green power through Green Power Switch, installing solar panels, and using compact fluorescent bulbs and other energy saving technology.
2) Gore has had a consistent position of purchasing carbon offsets to offset the family's carbon footprint -- a concept the right-wing fails to understand. Gore's office explains:
What Mr. Gore has asked is that every family calculate their carbon footprint and try to reduce it as much as possible. Once they have done so, he then advocates that they purchase offsets, as the Gore's do, to bring their footprint down to zero.
The spat has been picked up by news and opinion media outlets across the nation, and it is bouncing its way through the blogosphere. (Scroll down to the "Update" section of this Huffington Post entry for a handy summary of the comments.)
In the eyes of those who already approve of Gore's global warming message, the charges don't seem to diminish the former vice president's stature. On the Huffington Post, for example, a blogger proclaims, "Al Gore is a hero." Conservatives, however, are using the charges to reinforce Gore's image from the 2000 election as a hypocrite and opportunist. Ed Morrissey at Captain's Quarters writes, "Gore wants the rest of us to downsize and conserve rather than just treat energy like any other market -- and Gore is obviously not doing that for himself."
And then there's this comparison Rush Limbaugh made between Gore and President Bush on his radio program yesterday: "Compare Gore's mansion and Bush's modest 4,000 square foot little house on a ranch in Crawford. Who is it that is actually walking the walk here when it comes to conserving energy? It is not Al Gore."
By Rob Anderson February 28, 2007; 11:29 AM ET Previous: Cross Country: Advice for Presidential Candidates Main Index -->
Please email us to report offensive comments.
The Republicans are absolutely scared to death of an Al Gore run for President. They continue to try to trash him at every move. Gore won the first Presidential run and he would win again. That is why they attack him at every move.
Posted by: Donna February 28, 2007 12:22 PM
Al Gore is a hypocrite... And if you look up the word 'Hypocrite' in the dictionary it should say - See DemocRAT. Because most of them are. Say one thing, do another has been the DumocRAT motto since the Civil War.
Posted by: Iain February 28, 2007 12:24 PM
The attempts to smear Gore are off-base, misleading and typical of the right wing smear machine. Why bother putting things in context or telling the truth? Credibility hasn't been a concern of the right wing since W rolled into town. The Drudge Report and Rush Limbaugh are pathetic.
Posted by: dan February 28, 2007 12:25 PM
One of the more distressing developments in recent times is the ability of groups to provide a piece of information, present it without any context, and use it to completely misrepresent the situation. I believe this is a perfect example. Assuming that the 221MWh the Gore's used is correct (and I'm not thinking it is) there would have to be more to it than they are just running the A/C all day long with the windows open. I mean really. That much energy would mean an average current of 230 Amps, not something that you can actually do by running ALL of your appliances full out 100% of the time.
So, either there is some significant piece of the picture that was left out, OR it is wrong.
Either way, I submit that in the effort to do what exactly I don't know (are these the Pro-Global warming types or are they just unable to exorcise a personal animus against Gore?) this group has chosen to ignore the simple fact that while Gore could be taken to task for using 50% more power than average, or even 100% or so, 22 times just isn't reasonable to blame on being a glutton.
Posted by: Joel February 28, 2007 12:25 PM
"Gore has had a consistent position of purchasing carbon offsets to offset the family's carbon footprint "Carbon offsets are the biggest scam since snake-oil! What they mean to say is that they aren't about to cut back on guzzling electricity and pumping out CO2 into the environment. They are buying $$$ their way out of not having to do a damn thing!
GWB on the other hand walks the talk with is environmentally friendly awesome home.
Posted by: Mike C February 28, 2007 12:26 PM
"Citing a press release by the Tennessee Center for Policy Research . . ."
A press-release from a phony Think Tank (as reported today by the Post's own Howard Kurtz)that serves as 'news' for Right Wing nut-jobs and journalists like Rob Anderson, worthy of discussion on its own merits. I wonder if the journalism school Mr. Anderson received his degree from is anymore legitimate than the one Jeff Gannon 'earned', because at my alma mater, San Diego State, that would not be called 'news'.
So let me get this straight: The Washington Post was that really wonderful organization that used solid investigative journalism by two intrepid reporters to bring presidential to the light of day?
Wow. What a long way you have fallen.
Posted by: Chad Boyer February 28, 2007 12:27 PM
"Say one thing, do another has been the DumocRAT motto since the Civil War."
This comment is too stupid for words.
Did you get this lame "DumocRat" insult from 3rd grade where you have been held back sine you got there?

OU moves Gore's visit to Lloyd Noble Center

OU moves Gore's visit to Lloyd Noble Center
NORMAN, Okla. (AP) - The University of Oklahoma has decided to move former Vice President Al Gore's visit on Thursday to Lloyd Noble Center to accommodate demand for seats.
Gore's address on the issue of global warming was originally scheduled to be held at the Catlett Music Center, a much smaller venue.
The event will be based on Gore's bestselling book and recent Oscar-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth."
Doors to the center's main entrance, on the building's east side, will open at 3 p.m. and a slide presentation about climate change is scheduled for an hour later.
A free, public forum featuring OU professors with opposing views on global warming will precede Gore's visit.
The discussion, set for 1:30 p.m. in the Oklahoma Memorial Union, will feature David Deming, a College of Arts and Sciences associate professor, and meteorology professor David Karoly.

Al Gore basher prominent on FOX News "Not legitimate organization"

Al Gore basher prominent on FOX News "Not legitimate organization"
Reported by Chrish - February 28, 2007 - 5 comments
Drew Johnson of TN Center for Policy Research was on (at least, that I saw) The Big Story with john Gibson and Hannity and Colmes, to promote the talking point that Al Gore is a hypocrite. Johnson claims that because Gore's home uses much more electricity than your average home, he has no right to tell people how they can reduce their own carbon emissions,
and because Gore occasionally travels by private plane, he has no right to suggest ways that we can reduce our fossil fuel usage.
Johnson repeatedly and determinedly ignored the fact that Gore buys carbon offsets and has a neutral carbon impact on the environment due to his practices. He and his conservative hosts deliberately play dumb about carbon offsets in order to not inform their viewers, making it appear that Gore is talking nonsense.
So who is this guy out of nowhere and why is he all over FOX? (Aside from the obvious desire to smear Al Gore.) He's a conservative posing as a non-partisan, he's claiming to know AL Gore's annual electricity bills, and oh yeah, his organization has been labelled ‘not a legitimate group.’ Well, you say, that's someone's opinion. Actually it's the pronouncement of the Tennessee Department of Revenue, who has ordered employees to not respond to his demands for information.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Conservative group skewers Gore

Conservative group skewers Gore

Claims he's hypocrite, uses too much energy
By KRISTIN M. HALL, Associated Press February 28, 2007
NASHVILLE - Al Gore, a leading voice in the fight against global warming, is being called a hypocrite by a conservative group that claims his Nashville mansion uses too much electricity. But a spokeswoman for Gore said the former vice president invests in enough renewable energy to make up for the home's power consumption.

Gore's documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth" won an Oscar on Sunday for chronicling his campaign against global warming.
The next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research put out a news release saying Gore was not doing enough to reduce his own consumption of electricity.
"We wanted to see if he was living by his own recommendations and walking the walk," said Drew Johnson, president of the think tank that pushes for conservative economic issues.
Utility records show the Gore family paid an average monthly electric bill of about $1,200 last year for its 10,000-square-foot home.
The Gores used about 191,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, according to bills reviewed by The Associated Press. That is far more than the typical Nashville household, which uses about 15,600 kilowatt-hours per year.
A spokeswoman for Gore said he purchases enough "green power" - renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and methane gas - to balance 100 percent of his electricity costs.
"Sometimes when people don't like the message, in this case that global warming is real, it's convenient to attack the messenger," Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said.
Gore participates in a utility program that sells blocks of "green power" for an extra $4 a month. Gore purchases 108 such blocks every month, covering 16,200 kilowatt-hours and helping subsidize renewable energy sources.
Johnson said it's unclear whether global warming is caused by humans, and he said the threat outlined in Gore's documentary is exaggerated.

The think tank said Gore used nearly 221,000 kilowatt hours last year and that his average monthly electric bill was $1,359. Johnson said his group got its figures from Nashville Electric Service.
But electric company spokeswoman Laurie Parker said the utility never got a request from the policy center and never provided them with any information.
Parker said Gore has been purchasing the "green power" for $432 a month since November. The Gore home is also under renovation to add solar panels, Kreider said.
Gore also owns homes in Carthage, Tenn., and in the Washington area.
Gore has said he leads a "carbon-neutral lifestyle." To balance out other carbon emissions, the Gores invest money in projects to reduce energy consumption around the globe, Kreider said.
"For every ton of carbon they emit, he offsets that by doing investments in renewable energy sources," Kreider said.

Johnson said those efforts were unconvincing.

"In general, I applaud his efforts to reduce energy consumption, but if he is going to be a spokesman for global warming, he has to be willing to make the same sacrifices," Johnson said.
Johnson said Gore's home has gas lamps lining his driveway, a heated pool and an electric gate - all of which would be easy to do without.,1406,KNS_348_5383161,00.html

The Right wing nut case Drew Johnson who works for Oil Industry and for the Polluters of America already started a smear campaign against Al gore.

The Right wing nut case Drew Johnson who works for Oil Industry and for the Polluters of America already started a smear campaign against Al gore. He is also getting paid by the EXon and other Oil companies for his reserch , so America that explains the whole thing.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Al Gore, a leading voice against global warming, is being criticized by a conservative group that claims his Nashville mansion uses too much electricity. A Gore spokeswoman said the former vice president invests in enough renewable energy to make up for the home's power consumption.
On Sunday, Gore's documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth," which chronicled his campaign against global warming, won an Academy Award.
The next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research issued a statement saying Gore was not doing enough to reduce his own electricity consumption. The group disputes that global warming is a serious problem.
"We wanted to see if he was living by his own recommendations and walking the walk," said think tank president Drew Johnson.
Utility records show the Gore family paid an average monthly electric bill of about $1,200 last year for its 10,000-square-foot home.
The Gores used about 191,000 kilowatt hours in 2006, according to bills reviewed by The Associated Press. The typical Nashville household uses about 15,600 kilowatt-hours per year.
The group said that Gore used nearly 221,000 kilowatt hours last year and that his average monthly electric bill was $1,359. Johnson said his group got its figures from Nashville Electric Service.
But company spokeswoman Laurie Parker said the utility never got a request from the policy center and never gave it any information.
Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said: "Sometimes when people don't like the message, in this case that global warming is real, it's convenient to attack the messenger."
Kreider said Gore purchases enough energy from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and methane gas to balance 100 percent of his electricity costs.
Gore, who owns homes in Carthage, Tenn., and in the Washington area, has said he leads a "carbon-neutral lifestyle." To balance out other carbon emissions, the Gores invest money in projects to reduce energy consumption, Kreider said.
On the Net:
Tennessee Center for Policy Research
"An Inconvenient Truth":

Sunday, February 25, 2007 Predicted in 2004 that Al Gore will run in 2008 and he will win the election in 2008. America Al Gore will be your Next President in Predicted in 2004 that Al Gore will run in 2008 and he will win the election in 2008. America Al Gore will be your Next President in 2009. America Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.
America Please don't waste your Money, do some good deeds, which will help your soul. Help Katrina Victims in New Orleans and other places and try to do some more good deeds , which will come with you wherever you go. Although Vice President Al gore says that he will not run and he is for sure 99% that he will not run, Predicts that Al Gore will run in 2008. Watch the Video clip of ElectGore2008 front page on ABC News Video.

Admin some people will try to make posting as Troll please don't fall for it.
Check out some Al Gore and davis Guggenheim Video from Santa Barbara Film Festival

Al Gore : "I am not making any plans to be a candidate again. It's true that I haven't made the so-called Sherman statement and ruled it out for all t

Al Gore on ... His life
"I have got more than one job, and I am enjoying them all. The one job I am enjoying the most is the job of being a grandfather, which I can tell you is not overrated," said the grandfather of Wyatt, 7, Anna, 5, and Oscar, 2 months.
Although he is recognized for his efforts to fight global warming, that's not his day job
He is chairman of Generation Investment Management, a London-based firm, and of Current TV, a network aimed at young people based on viewer-created content and citizen journalism. He is on the board of directors of Apple Computer Inc., is a senior adviser to Google Inc., and a visiting professor at Middle Tennessee State University.
He's releasing a new book published by Penguin in May, The Assault on Reason, about the challenges of communication in a democracy.
White House
One job in which he appears to be no longer interested is that of president.
"I am not making any plans to be a candidate again. It's true that I haven't made the so-called Sherman statement and ruled it out for all time under any circumstances, but that is just a recognition of the fact that the future is a long time, and I don't expect to ever be a candidate for any office again."
Are there any conditions under which he would consider running? "I don't see any. I've said several times, many times actually, that there's a 99 percent chance that I'll never be a candidate for president again. I leave the 1 percent not to be coy about it, or to play some kind of game. I am really not doing that. I really don't expect to be a candidate again."
Nobel Peace Prize
It was recently reported that Gore was among the 135 people and 46 organizations nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. "I read about it in the newspaper the same way you did," he said. "I don't really know what to make of that. It's kind of cliché to say I am humbled by it, but it is certainly true. ... I just don't know much about the process, so I don't want to comment much on it."
Life in Tennessee
After his presidential defeat in 2000, he and wife Tipper purchased a home in Belle Meade. "I love living in Nashville," he said. "We have a lot of great friends in Middle Tennessee. We love our house and our neighborhood, and we really are having a great time."
Gore once said he wanted to mend fences in Tennessee. Has he repaired those relationships? "I hope so," he said, "I've done my best, and I hope people feel that way. I do."

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Racist Draft Gore Criminals Promote Racism and Discrimination In America, Steal Money from Americans

Racist Draft Gore Criminals Promote Racism and Discrimination In America, Steal Money from Americans

Racist Con Artists Draft Al Gore people creates thousands of illegal fake signatures with the help of few people , they also stole money from Katrina Victims. In order to Fool John Edwards supporters, Hillary’s supporters and Obama supporters worthless unemployed Draft Gore Con Artists created fake signatures . These people don’t have any moral values or ethics, basically Draft gore is supported by few unemployed desperate old Ladies who are looking for attention.
Malone and his wife from are another Liars and Criminals who fabricate stories about Al gore
Draft Gore Criminals ruins and Destroys Al Gore ‘ s Reputation.

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying to the Democrats and the Americans with their Fake signatures which they got from few members just Like the way they stole Money from Katrina Victims. Since I am a software developer for the last 13 years I know how they are manipulating and cheating the people by messing around with the software (Elementary Level tricks) . Draft Al gore Idiots think everyone is fools and Idiots like them. These people are Criminals . They want to fool the you Edward’s supporters and Hillary’s supporters and other democratic presidential candidates. These people are worthless Con Artists , Liars and Crooks in the entire Universe. Evil doers, Draft Al gore People are embarrassment for the rest of the Democrats and other Gore supporters. They have may be only 50 to 70 members who support their Criminal Activity. Their behavior is disgrace full for the rest of the democrats and for the Other Americans. All they do is Lie, Cheat , con the Poor Vulnerable Democrats and the Americans.These people would do anything to con the Americans.Con Artist Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams are thieves and con artists Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims.Draft Al Gore con Artists stole money from the Katrina VictimsDraft Al Gore Tennessee woman Monica Friedlander steals Money from America By Using Al Gore ' s Name Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, MB Williams are thieves and con artists . Draft Al Gore Dating Service steal Money from innocent Katrina Victims Jan Moore Evil witch Stole Money from Katrina Victims . Con Artists and Racist Susan Madrak, Con Artists and Racist Monica Friedlander, Con Artists and Racist Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ), Con Artists and Racist MB Williams Steal money from American People By lying and conning people that they are Drafting Al Gore. These people are Unemployed worthless liars and crooks who are ripping off the American people .They would do anything to steal money from the people.They don’t have any communication or connection with AL Gore. Al Gore doesn’t even know that they exist.These people don’t have any Moral Values or Ethics. They will do anything to con the poor vulnerable innocent American People. The same Monica Friedlander encouraged Jan Moore to steal money from the Katrina Victims in 2005. Monica Friedlander taught that Evil vampire Jan Moore how to steal money from the people when she had in 2002 when she was a member of that con operation in 2002. Con Man Neo Libman is trying to become a very successful politician in the future by trying to Draft Al Gore.However neither does Al Gore aware of these criminals nor does he want to have anything to do with these criminals.Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ) and His Postings at Dailykos are at . Check it out. I believe he wants to be Chief of staff of Al Gore then senator, governor and eventually US President. America make him as your President. America You have the Power. America these evil doers are getting used to stealing and conning you the Poor Vulnerable Americans. That’s not right.. He is also a member at under disguise . These evil doers are collecting money from the Innocent, vulnerable, democrats and from the Gore supporters by cheating , lying and conning American people. Then there are few X Dean supporters and few other liberal groups like working for these evil Doers to execute their Evil activities. Draft Al gore Movement is a Dating service for the abandoned desperate old ladies. This is how they meet their young men to flirt around and hit on them steal them from their Girl friends and Wives.
It’s funny these evil doers are going to draft Al Gore?? These are real con artists and criminals use other’s money to become popular and get credit for what they don’t even deserve, 3 rd grade 3 class lower class criminals, evil witches. They are Susan Madrock, Monica Friedlander, Neo Libman, MB Williams . They use vampire Jan Moore for their dirty work.
Now They all going to be destroyed by God completely and sent to hell for their crimes. They are going to have many surprises coming up which they don’t even expect…Ignorant, dum stupid , idiots… and burn in hell for their evil work.
Racist Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina VictimsBasically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America. Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. Draft Gore people are very conservative and old people who are not well educated and don’t have enough Intelligence in their brain.Racist Draft Al Gore people created more than 25000 Illegal fake signatures at Draftgore web site. . With the help of 55 members Draftgore people have created more than 25000 signatures to fool the republicans and other democrats and to show America that they have enough support for Al Gore to be drafted in 2008 and to collect money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable democrats. Draftgore web site is initially created by Monica Friedlander, a old conservative woman from Tennessee. Now there are other people have joined her, people like Janet and Dylon (loser) from and Karen , Neo Libman from Algoresupportcenter and Jan Moore (patriotsforgore) , who stole the money from the Innocent Katrina Victims in 2005.There is also another college drop out , loser and an old lady “Susan Madrak” have joined them to create a Partisan political Draft gore movement , which nobody cares because Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.These people’s act is deceitful and Disgraceful for other democrats and an Embarrassment for the people who voted for Al Gore in 2000. This is an insult and embarrassment for the millions of people who voted for him in 2000 and for the people still supporting Vice President Al gore.However these evil doers are pretending like that they have some close connection and communication with Al Gore and try to pretend to the world that they have some influence over his decision in case if he ever decides to run in 2008, although they got several warnings from Gore‘s office not to bother them. Even Tipper Gore is not very comfortable with these evil doer’s harassment and she her self openly mentioned this to the Chairman of, when he met her in Houston.It’s funny some of these Idiots (Bone Head Morons) are giving advices to Al Gore at the Blog, these evil doers think they have something to offer Mr.gore. Neither do they have any ideas nor do they have any intelligence in their bone Head so that they can give it to MR. Gore..Criminals no matter whatever they do or say, lying, Cheating and conning people is mixed in their blood. People post information on the web sites so that others can read them.They have used the similar tactics at in the past and got away with that crime , which is creating fake signatures and duplicating votes when they do polling. They used the same deceitful way to show the Americans that Al Gore is getting more support than the other presidential candidates among the Bloggers to run for presidential office in 2008 . These people’s criminal behavior is wrong, disgusting , deceitful, and disgraceful . America these people think they can lie , cheat and con you and get away with their crime.They should be ashamed of them selves and Americans and the rest of media should never take these criminals serious anymore.Monika (Evil Old Lady) from draftgore web site helped these people to create fake signatures in order to boost the support so that she can collect more money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable Gore supporters.Monica tried to do the same thing in 2004 and she failed those supporters then. Now she is doing it again. The same people tried to do the same thing in 2004 and they collected thousands of dollars from the vulnerable innocent Gore supporters and failed them in 2004.They ended up taking everybody’s money and got away with their crimes. Now they are trying to do the same thing .Neither did Al gore ever approve these con Artist’s activities nor has he ever been supportive towards their evil activities. This is an entertainment for the desperate unemployed Con artists who are depending on their spouses and on the government for their income. As far as I know they will never accomplish anything beside stealing and spending the innocent vulnerable democrat’s money. There is also another evil witch, Liar and Crook , college drop out , total loser, “Susan madrak” begging the poor Vulnerable Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment and giving false promises and hopes for these innocent democrats.This deceitful and disgraceful for other democrats and an insult for other true Gore supporters who voted for him in 2000.

Racist Gore Supporters stole money from Katrina Victims in 2005 used that money for their personal expenses. Now they are begging the democrats for more money to Draft Mr. Al Gore, who is not interested in running in 2008 , these are criminals lying to the American People by giving false promises and hopes . They are liars and Crooks and Thieves. Jan Moore and James are the main thieves America don't fall for their dirty trick . These are the same people got kicked out from the and now they are posting environmental Information at www. and pretending to be pure environmental con artist and they are trying to recruit the innocent environmentalists for their dirty political game, they are engaged in.Jan Moore from the Patriotsforgore Collected and raised money for the Katrina Victims in 2005 and Used it for her own personal Expenses.These are the same people hang around at other gore supportive forums to discuss about their dirty political games. They are incapable of accomplishing anything in their life, who are unemployed and depending on their spouse and government for their income. Basically this is an entertainment for them, conning the poor vulnerable American people. America never trust these con artists , crooks and liars.These Evil doers are pretending to the world that they are capable of drafting vice president Al gore in 2008 with their few dollars, according to the Evil and the old witch Susan. You Evil doers don’t have any influence on Al Gore now and you will not have any influence on his future decision. Basically these are criminals and sinners of the world , reaping what they sowed in their past life.He is more enlightened than you think and imagine.These are the same losers who were after other candidates in the past and Lost the election to the republicans. They have nothing to offer to Mr. Gore. Millions of Americans Voted for Gore in 2000. I am sure he doesn’t need any of these evil witches or demons ..Here is one Evil witch, Liar and Crook “Susan madrak” begging the poor Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment. Here is susan lying to America and conning people . At the end all the con artists , crooks and liars will become the total losers and Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.According to the chairman of Prediction in Jan 2004 .Basically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America.Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. They are also using the innocent , good man Vice President Al Gore’s name to deceive the Americans. Soon these Con Artists are going to be very disappointed and America would be able to see their deceitful motivation and manipulation.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Worthless Draft Gore Criminals Support and Promote Racism and Discrimination In America and Steal Money from Innocent Vulnerable Americans

Worthless Draft Gore Criminals Support and Promote Racism and Discrimination In America and Steal Money from Innocent Vulnerable Americans

Racist Con Artists Draft Al Gore people creates thousands of illegal fake signatures with the help of few people , they also stole money from Katrina Victims. In order to Fool John Edwards supporters, Hillary’s supporters and Obama supporters worthless unemployed Draft Gore Con Artists created fake signatures . These people don’t have any moral values or ethics, basically Draft gore is supported by few unemployed desperate old Ladies who are looking for attention.
Malone and his wife from are another Liars and Criminals who fabricate stories about Al gore
Draft Gore Criminals ruins and Destroys Al Gore ‘ s Reputation.

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying to the Democrats and the Americans with their Fake signatures which they got from few members just Like the way they stole Money from Katrina Victims. Since I am a software developer for the last 13 years I know how they are manipulating and cheating the people by messing around with the software (Elementary Level tricks) . Draft Al gore Idiots think everyone is fools and Idiots like them. These people are Criminals . They want to fool the you Edward’s supporters and Hillary’s supporters and other democratic presidential candidates. These people are worthless Con Artists , Liars and Crooks in the entire Universe. Evil doers, Draft Al gore People are embarrassment for the rest of the Democrats and other Gore supporters. They have may be only 50 to 70 members who support their Criminal Activity. Their behavior is disgrace full for the rest of the democrats and for the Other Americans. All they do is Lie, Cheat , con the Poor Vulnerable Democrats and the Americans.These people would do anything to con the Americans.Con Artist Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams are thieves and con artists Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims.Draft Al Gore con Artists stole money from the Katrina VictimsDraft Al Gore Tennessee woman Monica Friedlander steals Money from America By Using Al Gore ' s Name Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, MB Williams are thieves and con artists . Draft Al Gore Dating Service steal Money from innocent Katrina Victims Jan Moore Evil witch Stole Money from Katrina Victims . Con Artists and Racist Susan Madrak, Con Artists and Racist Monica Friedlander, Con Artists and Racist Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ), Con Artists and Racist MB Williams Steal money from American People By lying and conning people that they are Drafting Al Gore. These people are Unemployed worthless liars and crooks who are ripping off the American people .They would do anything to steal money from the people.They don’t have any communication or connection with AL Gore. Al Gore doesn’t even know that they exist.These people don’t have any Moral Values or Ethics. They will do anything to con the poor vulnerable innocent American People. The same Monica Friedlander encouraged Jan Moore to steal money from the Katrina Victims in 2005. Monica Friedlander taught that Evil vampire Jan Moore how to steal money from the people when she had in 2002 when she was a member of that con operation in 2002. Con Man Neo Libman is trying to become a very successful politician in the future by trying to Draft Al Gore.However neither does Al Gore aware of these criminals nor does he want to have anything to do with these criminals.Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ) and His Postings at Dailykos are at . Check it out. I believe he wants to be Chief of staff of Al Gore then senator, governor and eventually US President. America make him as your President. America You have the Power. America these evil doers are getting used to stealing and conning you the Poor Vulnerable Americans. That’s not right.. He is also a member at under disguise . These evil doers are collecting money from the Innocent, vulnerable, democrats and from the Gore supporters by cheating , lying and conning American people. Then there are few X Dean supporters and few other liberal groups like working for these evil Doers to execute their Evil activities. Draft Al gore Movement is a Dating service for the abandoned desperate old ladies. This is how they meet their young men to flirt around and hit on them steal them from their Girl friends and Wives.
It’s funny these evil doers are going to draft Al Gore?? These are real con artists and criminals use other’s money to become popular and get credit for what they don’t even deserve, 3 rd grade 3 class lower class criminals, evil witches. They are Susan Madrock, Monica Friedlander, Neo Libman, MB Williams . They use vampire Jan Moore for their dirty work.
Now They all going to be destroyed by God completely and sent to hell for their crimes. They are going to have many surprises coming up which they don’t even expect…Ignorant, dum stupid , idiots… and burn in hell for their evil work.
Racist Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina VictimsBasically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America. Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. Draft Gore people are very conservative and old people who are not well educated and don’t have enough Intelligence in their brain.Racist Draft Al Gore people created more than 25000 Illegal fake signatures at Draftgore web site. . With the help of 55 members Draftgore people have created more than 25000 signatures to fool the republicans and other democrats and to show America that they have enough support for Al Gore to be drafted in 2008 and to collect money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable democrats. Draftgore web site is initially created by Monica Friedlander, a old conservative woman from Tennessee. Now there are other people have joined her, people like Janet and Dylon (loser) from and Karen , Neo Libman from Algoresupportcenter and Jan Moore (patriotsforgore) , who stole the money from the Innocent Katrina Victims in 2005.There is also another college drop out , loser and an old lady “Susan Madrak” have joined them to create a Partisan political Draft gore movement , which nobody cares because Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.These people’s act is deceitful and Disgraceful for other democrats and an Embarrassment for the people who voted for Al Gore in 2000. This is an insult and embarrassment for the millions of people who voted for him in 2000 and for the people still supporting Vice President Al gore.However these evil doers are pretending like that they have some close connection and communication with Al Gore and try to pretend to the world that they have some influence over his decision in case if he ever decides to run in 2008, although they got several warnings from Gore‘s office not to bother them. Even Tipper Gore is not very comfortable with these evil doer’s harassment and she her self openly mentioned this to the Chairman of, when he met her in Houston.It’s funny some of these Idiots (Bone Head Morons) are giving advices to Al Gore at the Blog, these evil doers think they have something to offer Mr.gore. Neither do they have any ideas nor do they have any intelligence in their bone Head so that they can give it to MR. Gore..Criminals no matter whatever they do or say, lying, Cheating and conning people is mixed in their blood. People post information on the web sites so that others can read them.They have used the similar tactics at in the past and got away with that crime , which is creating fake signatures and duplicating votes when they do polling. They used the same deceitful way to show the Americans that Al Gore is getting more support than the other presidential candidates among the Bloggers to run for presidential office in 2008 . These people’s criminal behavior is wrong, disgusting , deceitful, and disgraceful . America these people think they can lie , cheat and con you and get away with their crime.They should be ashamed of them selves and Americans and the rest of media should never take these criminals serious anymore.Monika (Evil Old Lady) from draftgore web site helped these people to create fake signatures in order to boost the support so that she can collect more money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable Gore supporters.Monica tried to do the same thing in 2004 and she failed those supporters then. Now she is doing it again. The same people tried to do the same thing in 2004 and they collected thousands of dollars from the vulnerable innocent Gore supporters and failed them in 2004.They ended up taking everybody’s money and got away with their crimes. Now they are trying to do the same thing .Neither did Al gore ever approve these con Artist’s activities nor has he ever been supportive towards their evil activities. This is an entertainment for the desperate unemployed Con artists who are depending on their spouses and on the government for their income. As far as I know they will never accomplish anything beside stealing and spending the innocent vulnerable democrat’s money. There is also another evil witch, Liar and Crook , college drop out , total loser, “Susan madrak” begging the poor Vulnerable Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment and giving false promises and hopes for these innocent democrats.This deceitful and disgraceful for other democrats and an insult for other true Gore supporters who voted for him in 2000.

Racist Gore Supporters stole money from Katrina Victims in 2005 used that money for their personal expenses. Now they are begging the democrats for more money to Draft Mr. Al Gore, who is not interested in running in 2008 , these are criminals lying to the American People by giving false promises and hopes . They are liars and Crooks and Thieves. Jan Moore and James are the main thieves America don't fall for their dirty trick . These are the same people got kicked out from the and now they are posting environmental Information at www. and pretending to be pure environmental con artist and they are trying to recruit the innocent environmentalists for their dirty political game, they are engaged in.Jan Moore from the Patriotsforgore Collected and raised money for the Katrina Victims in 2005 and Used it for her own personal Expenses.These are the same people hang around at other gore supportive forums to discuss about their dirty political games. They are incapable of accomplishing anything in their life, who are unemployed and depending on their spouse and government for their income. Basically this is an entertainment for them, conning the poor vulnerable American people. America never trust these con artists , crooks and liars.These Evil doers are pretending to the world that they are capable of drafting vice president Al gore in 2008 with their few dollars, according to the Evil and the old witch Susan. You Evil doers don’t have any influence on Al Gore now and you will not have any influence on his future decision. Basically these are criminals and sinners of the world , reaping what they sowed in their past life.He is more enlightened than you think and imagine.These are the same losers who were after other candidates in the past and Lost the election to the republicans. They have nothing to offer to Mr. Gore. Millions of Americans Voted for Gore in 2000. I am sure he doesn’t need any of these evil witches or demons ..Here is one Evil witch, Liar and Crook “Susan madrak” begging the poor Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment. Here is susan lying to America and conning people . At the end all the con artists , crooks and liars will become the total losers and Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.According to the chairman of Prediction in Jan 2004 .Basically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America.Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. They are also using the innocent , good man Vice President Al Gore’s name to deceive the Americans. Soon these Con Artists are going to be very disappointed and America would be able to see their deceitful motivation and manipulation.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Draft Gore Criminals Promote discrimination and racism against Blacks , hispanics, asians, indians , arabs, Jews in America

Draft Gore Criminals Promote discrimination and racism against Blacks , hispanics, asians, indians , arabs, Jews in America

Racist Con Artists Draft Al Gore people creates thousands of illegal fake signatures with the help of few people , they also stole money from Katrina Victims. In order to Fool John Edwards supporters, Hillary’s supporters and Obama supporters worthless unemployed Draft Gore Con Artists created fake signatures . These people don’t have any moral values or ethics, basically Draft gore is supported by few unemployed desperate old Ladies who are looking for attention.
Malone and his wife from are another Liars and Criminals who fabricate stories about Al gore
Draft Gore Criminals ruins and Destroys Al Gore ‘ s Reputation.

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying to the Democrats and the Americans with their Fake signatures which they got from few members just Like the way they stole Money from Katrina Victims. Since I am a software developer for the last 13 years I know how they are manipulating and cheating the people by messing around with the software (Elementary Level tricks) . Draft Al gore Idiots think everyone is fools and Idiots like them. These people are Criminals . They want to fool the you Edward’s supporters and Hillary’s supporters and other democratic presidential candidates. These people are worthless Con Artists , Liars and Crooks in the entire Universe. Evil doers, Draft Al gore People are embarrassment for the rest of the Democrats and other Gore supporters. They have may be only 50 to 70 members who support their Criminal Activity. Their behavior is disgrace full for the rest of the democrats and for the Other Americans. All they do is Lie, Cheat , con the Poor Vulnerable Democrats and the Americans.These people would do anything to con the Americans.Con Artist Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams are thieves and con artists Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims.Draft Al Gore con Artists stole money from the Katrina VictimsDraft Al Gore Tennessee woman Monica Friedlander steals Money from America By Using Al Gore ' s Name Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, MB Williams are thieves and con artists . Draft Al Gore Dating Service steal Money from innocent Katrina Victims Jan Moore Evil witch Stole Money from Katrina Victims . Con Artists and Racist Susan Madrak, Con Artists and Racist Monica Friedlander, Con Artists and Racist Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ), Con Artists and Racist MB Williams Steal money from American People By lying and conning people that they are Drafting Al Gore. These people are Unemployed worthless liars and crooks who are ripping off the American people .They would do anything to steal money from the people.They don’t have any communication or connection with AL Gore. Al Gore doesn’t even know that they exist.These people don’t have any Moral Values or Ethics. They will do anything to con the poor vulnerable innocent American People. The same Monica Friedlander encouraged Jan Moore to steal money from the Katrina Victims in 2005. Monica Friedlander taught that Evil vampire Jan Moore how to steal money from the people when she had in 2002 when she was a member of that con operation in 2002. Con Man Neo Libman is trying to become a very successful politician in the future by trying to Draft Al Gore.However neither does Al Gore aware of these criminals nor does he want to have anything to do with these criminals.Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ) and His Postings at Dailykos are at . Check it out. I believe he wants to be Chief of staff of Al Gore then senator, governor and eventually US President. America make him as your President. America You have the Power. America these evil doers are getting used to stealing and conning you the Poor Vulnerable Americans. That’s not right.. He is also a member at under disguise . These evil doers are collecting money from the Innocent, vulnerable, democrats and from the Gore supporters by cheating , lying and conning American people. Then there are few X Dean supporters and few other liberal groups like working for these evil Doers to execute their Evil activities. Draft Al gore Movement is a Dating service for the abandoned desperate old ladies. This is how they meet their young men to flirt around and hit on them steal them from their Girl friends and Wives.
It’s funny these evil doers are going to draft Al Gore?? These are real con artists and criminals use other’s money to become popular and get credit for what they don’t even deserve, 3 rd grade 3 class lower class criminals, evil witches. They are Susan Madrock, Monica Friedlander, Neo Libman, MB Williams . They use vampire Jan Moore for their dirty work.
Now They all going to be destroyed by God completely and sent to hell for their crimes. They are going to have many surprises coming up which they don’t even expect…Ignorant, dum stupid , idiots… and burn in hell for their evil work.
Racist Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina VictimsBasically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America. Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. Draft Gore people are very conservative and old people who are not well educated and don’t have enough Intelligence in their brain.Racist Draft Al Gore people created more than 25000 Illegal fake signatures at Draftgore web site. . With the help of 55 members Draftgore people have created more than 25000 signatures to fool the republicans and other democrats and to show America that they have enough support for Al Gore to be drafted in 2008 and to collect money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable democrats. Draftgore web site is initially created by Monica Friedlander, a old conservative woman from Tennessee. Now there are other people have joined her, people like Janet and Dylon (loser) from and Karen , Neo Libman from Algoresupportcenter and Jan Moore (patriotsforgore) , who stole the money from the Innocent Katrina Victims in 2005.There is also another college drop out , loser and an old lady “Susan Madrak” have joined them to create a Partisan political Draft gore movement , which nobody cares because Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.These people’s act is deceitful and Disgraceful for other democrats and an Embarrassment for the people who voted for Al Gore in 2000. This is an insult and embarrassment for the millions of people who voted for him in 2000 and for the people still supporting Vice President Al gore.However these evil doers are pretending like that they have some close connection and communication with Al Gore and try to pretend to the world that they have some influence over his decision in case if he ever decides to run in 2008, although they got several warnings from Gore‘s office not to bother them. Even Tipper Gore is not very comfortable with these evil doer’s harassment and she her self openly mentioned this to the Chairman of, when he met her in Houston.It’s funny some of these Idiots (Bone Head Morons) are giving advices to Al Gore at the Blog, these evil doers think they have something to offer Mr.gore. Neither do they have any ideas nor do they have any intelligence in their bone Head so that they can give it to MR. Gore..Criminals no matter whatever they do or say, lying, Cheating and conning people is mixed in their blood. People post information on the web sites so that others can read them.They have used the similar tactics at in the past and got away with that crime , which is creating fake signatures and duplicating votes when they do polling. They used the same deceitful way to show the Americans that Al Gore is getting more support than the other presidential candidates among the Bloggers to run for presidential office in 2008 . These people’s criminal behavior is wrong, disgusting , deceitful, and disgraceful . America these people think they can lie , cheat and con you and get away with their crime.They should be ashamed of them selves and Americans and the rest of media should never take these criminals serious anymore.Monika (Evil Old Lady) from draftgore web site helped these people to create fake signatures in order to boost the support so that she can collect more money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable Gore supporters.Monica tried to do the same thing in 2004 and she failed those supporters then. Now she is doing it again. The same people tried to do the same thing in 2004 and they collected thousands of dollars from the vulnerable innocent Gore supporters and failed them in 2004.They ended up taking everybody’s money and got away with their crimes. Now they are trying to do the same thing .Neither did Al gore ever approve these con Artist’s activities nor has he ever been supportive towards their evil activities. This is an entertainment for the desperate unemployed Con artists who are depending on their spouses and on the government for their income. As far as I know they will never accomplish anything beside stealing and spending the innocent vulnerable democrat’s money. There is also another evil witch, Liar and Crook , college drop out , total loser, “Susan madrak” begging the poor Vulnerable Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment and giving false promises and hopes for these innocent democrats.This deceitful and disgraceful for other democrats and an insult for other true Gore supporters who voted for him in 2000.

Racist Gore Supporters stole money from Katrina Victims in 2005 used that money for their personal expenses. Now they are begging the democrats for more money to Draft Mr. Al Gore, who is not interested in running in 2008 , these are criminals lying to the American People by giving false promises and hopes . They are liars and Crooks and Thieves. Jan Moore and James are the main thieves America don't fall for their dirty trick . These are the same people got kicked out from the and now they are posting environmental Information at www. and pretending to be pure environmental con artist and they are trying to recruit the innocent environmentalists for their dirty political game, they are engaged in.Jan Moore from the Patriotsforgore Collected and raised money for the Katrina Victims in 2005 and Used it for her own personal Expenses.These are the same people hang around at other gore supportive forums to discuss about their dirty political games. They are incapable of accomplishing anything in their life, who are unemployed and depending on their spouse and government for their income. Basically this is an entertainment for them, conning the poor vulnerable American people. America never trust these con artists , crooks and liars.These Evil doers are pretending to the world that they are capable of drafting vice president Al gore in 2008 with their few dollars, according to the Evil and the old witch Susan. You Evil doers don’t have any influence on Al Gore now and you will not have any influence on his future decision. Basically these are criminals and sinners of the world , reaping what they sowed in their past life.He is more enlightened than you think and imagine.These are the same losers who were after other candidates in the past and Lost the election to the republicans. They have nothing to offer to Mr. Gore. Millions of Americans Voted for Gore in 2000. I am sure he doesn’t need any of these evil witches or demons ..Here is one Evil witch, Liar and Crook “Susan madrak” begging the poor Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment. Here is susan lying to America and conning people . At the end all the con artists , crooks and liars will become the total losers and Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.According to the chairman of Prediction in Jan 2004 .Basically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America.Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. They are also using the innocent , good man Vice President Al Gore’s name to deceive the Americans. Soon these Con Artists are going to be very disappointed and America would be able to see their deceitful motivation and manipulation.

Racist Uncivilized Draft Gore Con Artists Support and Promote Racism and Discrimination in America , Stole money from Katrina Victims

Racist Uncivilized Draft Gore Con Artists Support and Promote Racism and Discrimination in America , Stole money from Katrina Victims

Racist Con Artists Draft Al Gore people creates thousands of illegal fake signatures with the help of few people , they also stole money from Katrina Victims. In order to Fool John Edwards supporters, Hillary’s supporters and Obama supporters worthless unemployed Draft Gore Con Artists created fake signatures . These people don’t have any moral values or ethics, basically Draft gore is supported by few unemployed desperate old Ladies who are looking for attention.
Malone and his wife from are another Liars and Criminals who fabricate stories about Al gore
Draft Gore Criminals ruins and Destroys Al Gore ‘ s Reputation.

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying to the Democrats and the Americans with their Fake signatures which they got from few members just Like the way they stole Money from Katrina Victims. Since I am a software developer for the last 13 years I know how they are manipulating and cheating the people by messing around with the software (Elementary Level tricks) . Draft Al gore Idiots think everyone is fools and Idiots like them. These people are Criminals . They want to fool the you Edward’s supporters and Hillary’s supporters and other democratic presidential candidates. These people are worthless Con Artists , Liars and Crooks in the entire Universe. Evil doers, Draft Al gore People are embarrassment for the rest of the Democrats and other Gore supporters. They have may be only 50 to 70 members who support their Criminal Activity. Their behavior is disgrace full for the rest of the democrats and for the Other Americans. All they do is Lie, Cheat , con the Poor Vulnerable Democrats and the Americans.These people would do anything to con the Americans.Con Artist Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams are thieves and con artists Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims.Draft Al Gore con Artists stole money from the Katrina VictimsDraft Al Gore Tennessee woman Monica Friedlander steals Money from America By Using Al Gore ' s Name Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, MB Williams are thieves and con artists . Draft Al Gore Dating Service steal Money from innocent Katrina Victims Jan Moore Evil witch Stole Money from Katrina Victims . Con Artists and Racist Susan Madrak, Con Artists and Racist Monica Friedlander, Con Artists and Racist Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ), Con Artists and Racist MB Williams Steal money from American People By lying and conning people that they are Drafting Al Gore. These people are Unemployed worthless liars and crooks who are ripping off the American people .They would do anything to steal money from the people.They don’t have any communication or connection with AL Gore. Al Gore doesn’t even know that they exist.These people don’t have any Moral Values or Ethics. They will do anything to con the poor vulnerable innocent American People. The same Monica Friedlander encouraged Jan Moore to steal money from the Katrina Victims in 2005. Monica Friedlander taught that Evil vampire Jan Moore how to steal money from the people when she had in 2002 when she was a member of that con operation in 2002. Con Man Neo Libman is trying to become a very successful politician in the future by trying to Draft Al Gore.However neither does Al Gore aware of these criminals nor does he want to have anything to do with these criminals.Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ) and His Postings at Dailykos are at . Check it out. I believe he wants to be Chief of staff of Al Gore then senator, governor and eventually US President. America make him as your President. America You have the Power. America these evil doers are getting used to stealing and conning you the Poor Vulnerable Americans. That’s not right.. He is also a member at under disguise . These evil doers are collecting money from the Innocent, vulnerable, democrats and from the Gore supporters by cheating , lying and conning American people. Then there are few X Dean supporters and few other liberal groups like working for these evil Doers to execute their Evil activities. Draft Al gore Movement is a Dating service for the abandoned desperate old ladies. This is how they meet their young men to flirt around and hit on them steal them from their Girl friends and Wives.
It’s funny these evil doers are going to draft Al Gore?? These are real con artists and criminals use other’s money to become popular and get credit for what they don’t even deserve, 3 rd grade 3 class lower class criminals, evil witches. They are Susan Madrock, Monica Friedlander, Neo Libman, MB Williams . They use vampire Jan Moore for their dirty work.
Now They all going to be destroyed by God completely and sent to hell for their crimes. They are going to have many surprises coming up which they don’t even expect…Ignorant, dum stupid , idiots… and burn in hell for their evil work.
Racist Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina VictimsBasically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America. Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. Draft Gore people are very conservative and old people who are not well educated and don’t have enough Intelligence in their brain.Racist Draft Al Gore people created more than 25000 Illegal fake signatures at Draftgore web site. . With the help of 55 members Draftgore people have created more than 25000 signatures to fool the republicans and other democrats and to show America that they have enough support for Al Gore to be drafted in 2008 and to collect money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable democrats. Draftgore web site is initially created by Monica Friedlander, a old conservative woman from Tennessee. Now there are other people have joined her, people like Janet and Dylon (loser) from and Karen , Neo Libman from Algoresupportcenter and Jan Moore (patriotsforgore) , who stole the money from the Innocent Katrina Victims in 2005.There is also another college drop out , loser and an old lady “Susan Madrak” have joined them to create a Partisan political Draft gore movement , which nobody cares because Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.These people’s act is deceitful and Disgraceful for other democrats and an Embarrassment for the people who voted for Al Gore in 2000. This is an insult and embarrassment for the millions of people who voted for him in 2000 and for the people still supporting Vice President Al gore.However these evil doers are pretending like that they have some close connection and communication with Al Gore and try to pretend to the world that they have some influence over his decision in case if he ever decides to run in 2008, although they got several warnings from Gore‘s office not to bother them. Even Tipper Gore is not very comfortable with these evil doer’s harassment and she her self openly mentioned this to the Chairman of, when he met her in Houston.It’s funny some of these Idiots (Bone Head Morons) are giving advices to Al Gore at the Blog, these evil doers think they have something to offer Mr.gore. Neither do they have any ideas nor do they have any intelligence in their bone Head so that they can give it to MR. Gore..Criminals no matter whatever they do or say, lying, Cheating and conning people is mixed in their blood. People post information on the web sites so that others can read them.They have used the similar tactics at in the past and got away with that crime , which is creating fake signatures and duplicating votes when they do polling. They used the same deceitful way to show the Americans that Al Gore is getting more support than the other presidential candidates among the Bloggers to run for presidential office in 2008 . These people’s criminal behavior is wrong, disgusting , deceitful, and disgraceful . America these people think they can lie , cheat and con you and get away with their crime.They should be ashamed of them selves and Americans and the rest of media should never take these criminals serious anymore.Monika (Evil Old Lady) from draftgore web site helped these people to create fake signatures in order to boost the support so that she can collect more money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable Gore supporters.Monica tried to do the same thing in 2004 and she failed those supporters then. Now she is doing it again. The same people tried to do the same thing in 2004 and they collected thousands of dollars from the vulnerable innocent Gore supporters and failed them in 2004.They ended up taking everybody’s money and got away with their crimes. Now they are trying to do the same thing .Neither did Al gore ever approve these con Artist’s activities nor has he ever been supportive towards their evil activities. This is an entertainment for the desperate unemployed Con artists who are depending on their spouses and on the government for their income. As far as I know they will never accomplish anything beside stealing and spending the innocent vulnerable democrat’s money. There is also another evil witch, Liar and Crook , college drop out , total loser, “Susan madrak” begging the poor Vulnerable Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment and giving false promises and hopes for these innocent democrats.This deceitful and disgraceful for other democrats and an insult for other true Gore supporters who voted for him in 2000.

Racist Gore Supporters stole money from Katrina Victims in 2005 used that money for their personal expenses. Now they are begging the democrats for more money to Draft Mr. Al Gore, who is not interested in running in 2008 , these are criminals lying to the American People by giving false promises and hopes . They are liars and Crooks and Thieves. Jan Moore and James are the main thieves America don't fall for their dirty trick . These are the same people got kicked out from the and now they are posting environmental Information at www. and pretending to be pure environmental con artist and they are trying to recruit the innocent environmentalists for their dirty political game, they are engaged in.Jan Moore from the Patriotsforgore Collected and raised money for the Katrina Victims in 2005 and Used it for her own personal Expenses.These are the same people hang around at other gore supportive forums to discuss about their dirty political games. They are incapable of accomplishing anything in their life, who are unemployed and depending on their spouse and government for their income. Basically this is an entertainment for them, conning the poor vulnerable American people. America never trust these con artists , crooks and liars.These Evil doers are pretending to the world that they are capable of drafting vice president Al gore in 2008 with their few dollars, according to the Evil and the old witch Susan. You Evil doers don’t have any influence on Al Gore now and you will not have any influence on his future decision. Basically these are criminals and sinners of the world , reaping what they sowed in their past life.He is more enlightened than you think and imagine.These are the same losers who were after other candidates in the past and Lost the election to the republicans. They have nothing to offer to Mr. Gore. Millions of Americans Voted for Gore in 2000. I am sure he doesn’t need any of these evil witches or demons ..Here is one Evil witch, Liar and Crook “Susan madrak” begging the poor Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment. Here is susan lying to America and conning people . At the end all the con artists , crooks and liars will become the total losers and Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.According to the chairman of Prediction in Jan 2004 .Basically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America.Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. They are also using the innocent , good man Vice President Al Gore’s name to deceive the Americans. Soon these Con Artists are going to be very disappointed and America would be able to see their deceitful motivation and manipulation.

Racist Worthless 3rd Grade Low Class Draft Gore People support and Promote Racism and Discrimination in America and Steal money from America

Racist Worthless, 3rd Grade, Low Class, Draft Gore People support and Promote Racism and Discrimination in America and Steal money from America , whoever support them are racist and must Join the KKK, and Love to own Slaves

Racist Con Artists Draft Al Gore people creates thousands of illegal fake signatures with the help of few people , they also stole money from Katrina Victims. In order to Fool John Edwards supporters, Hillary’s supporters and Obama supporters worthless unemployed Draft Gore Con Artists created fake signatures . These people don’t have any moral values or ethics, basically Draft gore is supported by few unemployed desperate old Ladies who are looking for attention.
Malone and his wife from are another Liars and Criminals who fabricate stories about Al gore
Draft Gore Criminals ruins and Destroys Al Gore ‘ s Reputation.

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying to the Democrats and the Americans with their Fake signatures which they got from few members just Like the way they stole Money from Katrina Victims. Since I am a software developer for the last 13 years I know how they are manipulating and cheating the people by messing around with the software (Elementary Level tricks) . Draft Al gore Idiots think everyone is fools and Idiots like them. These people are Criminals . They want to fool the you Edward’s supporters and Hillary’s supporters and other democratic presidential candidates. These people are worthless Con Artists , Liars and Crooks in the entire Universe. Evil doers, Draft Al gore People are embarrassment for the rest of the Democrats and other Gore supporters. They have may be only 50 to 70 members who support their Criminal Activity. Their behavior is disgrace full for the rest of the democrats and for the Other Americans. All they do is Lie, Cheat , con the Poor Vulnerable Democrats and the Americans.These people would do anything to con the Americans.Con Artist Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams are thieves and con artists Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims.Draft Al Gore con Artists stole money from the Katrina VictimsDraft Al Gore Tennessee woman Monica Friedlander steals Money from America By Using Al Gore ' s Name Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, MB Williams are thieves and con artists . Draft Al Gore Dating Service steal Money from innocent Katrina Victims Jan Moore Evil witch Stole Money from Katrina Victims . Con Artists and Racist Susan Madrak, Con Artists and Racist Monica Friedlander, Con Artists and Racist Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ), Con Artists and Racist MB Williams Steal money from American People By lying and conning people that they are Drafting Al Gore. These people are Unemployed worthless liars and crooks who are ripping off the American people .They would do anything to steal money from the people.They don’t have any communication or connection with AL Gore. Al Gore doesn’t even know that they exist.These people don’t have any Moral Values or Ethics. They will do anything to con the poor vulnerable innocent American People. The same Monica Friedlander encouraged Jan Moore to steal money from the Katrina Victims in 2005. Monica Friedlander taught that Evil vampire Jan Moore how to steal money from the people when she had in 2002 when she was a member of that con operation in 2002. Con Man Neo Libman is trying to become a very successful politician in the future by trying to Draft Al Gore.However neither does Al Gore aware of these criminals nor does he want to have anything to do with these criminals.Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ) and His Postings at Dailykos are at . Check it out. I believe he wants to be Chief of staff of Al Gore then senator, governor and eventually US President. America make him as your President. America You have the Power. America these evil doers are getting used to stealing and conning you the Poor Vulnerable Americans. That’s not right.. He is also a member at under disguise . These evil doers are collecting money from the Innocent, vulnerable, democrats and from the Gore supporters by cheating , lying and conning American people. Then there are few X Dean supporters and few other liberal groups like working for these evil Doers to execute their Evil activities. Draft Al gore Movement is a Dating service for the abandoned desperate old ladies. This is how they meet their young men to flirt around and hit on them steal them from their Girl friends and Wives.
It’s funny these evil doers are going to draft Al Gore?? These are real con artists and criminals use other’s money to become popular and get credit for what they don’t even deserve, 3 rd grade 3 class lower class criminals, evil witches. They are Susan Madrock, Monica Friedlander, Neo Libman, MB Williams . They use vampire Jan Moore for their dirty work.
Now They all going to be destroyed by God completely and sent to hell for their crimes. They are going to have many surprises coming up which they don’t even expect…Ignorant, dum stupid , idiots… and burn in hell for their evil work.
Racist Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina VictimsBasically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America. Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. Draft Gore people are very conservative and old people who are not well educated and don’t have enough Intelligence in their brain.Racist Draft Al Gore people created more than 25000 Illegal fake signatures at Draftgore web site. . With the help of 55 members Draftgore people have created more than 25000 signatures to fool the republicans and other democrats and to show America that they have enough support for Al Gore to be drafted in 2008 and to collect money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable democrats. Draftgore web site is initially created by Monica Friedlander, a old conservative woman from Tennessee. Now there are other people have joined her, people like Janet and Dylon (loser) from and Karen , Neo Libman from Algoresupportcenter and Jan Moore (patriotsforgore) , who stole the money from the Innocent Katrina Victims in 2005.There is also another college drop out , loser and an old lady “Susan Madrak” have joined them to create a Partisan political Draft gore movement , which nobody cares because Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.These people’s act is deceitful and Disgraceful for other democrats and an Embarrassment for the people who voted for Al Gore in 2000. This is an insult and embarrassment for the millions of people who voted for him in 2000 and for the people still supporting Vice President Al gore.However these evil doers are pretending like that they have some close connection and communication with Al Gore and try to pretend to the world that they have some influence over his decision in case if he ever decides to run in 2008, although they got several warnings from Gore‘s office not to bother them. Even Tipper Gore is not very comfortable with these evil doer’s harassment and she her self openly mentioned this to the Chairman of, when he met her in Houston.It’s funny some of these Idiots (Bone Head Morons) are giving advices to Al Gore at the Blog, these evil doers think they have something to offer Mr.gore. Neither do they have any ideas nor do they have any intelligence in their bone Head so that they can give it to MR. Gore..Criminals no matter whatever they do or say, lying, Cheating and conning people is mixed in their blood. People post information on the web sites so that others can read them.They have used the similar tactics at in the past and got away with that crime , which is creating fake signatures and duplicating votes when they do polling. They used the same deceitful way to show the Americans that Al Gore is getting more support than the other presidential candidates among the Bloggers to run for presidential office in 2008 . These people’s criminal behavior is wrong, disgusting , deceitful, and disgraceful . America these people think they can lie , cheat and con you and get away with their crime.They should be ashamed of them selves and Americans and the rest of media should never take these criminals serious anymore.Monika (Evil Old Lady) from draftgore web site helped these people to create fake signatures in order to boost the support so that she can collect more money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable Gore supporters.Monica tried to do the same thing in 2004 and she failed those supporters then. Now she is doing it again. The same people tried to do the same thing in 2004 and they collected thousands of dollars from the vulnerable innocent Gore supporters and failed them in 2004.They ended up taking everybody’s money and got away with their crimes. Now they are trying to do the same thing .Neither did Al gore ever approve these con Artist’s activities nor has he ever been supportive towards their evil activities. This is an entertainment for the desperate unemployed Con artists who are depending on their spouses and on the government for their income. As far as I know they will never accomplish anything beside stealing and spending the innocent vulnerable democrat’s money. There is also another evil witch, Liar and Crook , college drop out , total loser, “Susan madrak” begging the poor Vulnerable Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment and giving false promises and hopes for these innocent democrats.This deceitful and disgraceful for other democrats and an insult for other true Gore supporters who voted for him in 2000.

Racist Gore Supporters stole money from Katrina Victims in 2005 used that money for their personal expenses. Now they are begging the democrats for more money to Draft Mr. Al Gore, who is not interested in running in 2008 , these are criminals lying to the American People by giving false promises and hopes . They are liars and Crooks and Thieves. Jan Moore and James are the main thieves America don't fall for their dirty trick . These are the same people got kicked out from the and now they are posting environmental Information at www. and pretending to be pure environmental con artist and they are trying to recruit the innocent environmentalists for their dirty political game, they are engaged in.Jan Moore from the Patriotsforgore Collected and raised money for the Katrina Victims in 2005 and Used it for her own personal Expenses.These are the same people hang around at other gore supportive forums to discuss about their dirty political games. They are incapable of accomplishing anything in their life, who are unemployed and depending on their spouse and government for their income. Basically this is an entertainment for them, conning the poor vulnerable American people. America never trust these con artists , crooks and liars.These Evil doers are pretending to the world that they are capable of drafting vice president Al gore in 2008 with their few dollars, according to the Evil and the old witch Susan. You Evil doers don’t have any influence on Al Gore now and you will not have any influence on his future decision. Basically these are criminals and sinners of the world , reaping what they sowed in their past life.He is more enlightened than you think and imagine.These are the same losers who were after other candidates in the past and Lost the election to the republicans. They have nothing to offer to Mr. Gore. Millions of Americans Voted for Gore in 2000. I am sure he doesn’t need any of these evil witches or demons ..Here is one Evil witch, Liar and Crook “Susan madrak” begging the poor Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment. Here is susan lying to America and conning people . At the end all the con artists , crooks and liars will become the total losers and Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.According to the chairman of Prediction in Jan 2004 .Basically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America.Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. They are also using the innocent , good man Vice President Al Gore’s name to deceive the Americans. Soon these Con Artists are going to be very disappointed and America would be able to see their deceitful motivation and manipulation.

Worthless Unemployed Draft Gore Con Artists Descriminate against Blacks, Hispanics, Indians, Iranians, Arabs Minorities and Jews and Foreigners

Worthless Draft Gore Con Artists Descriminate against Blacks, Jews , Hispanics, Indians, Iranians, Arabs Minorities and Other Races and Foreigners

Racist Con Artists Draft Al Gore people creates thousands of illegal fake signatures with the help of few people , they also stole money from Katrina Victims. In order to Fool John Edwards supporters, Hillary’s supporters and Obama supporters worthless unemployed Draft Gore Con Artists created fake signatures . These people don’t have any moral values or ethics, basically Draft gore is supported by few unemployed desperate old Ladies who are looking for attention.
Malone and his wife from are another Liars and Criminals who fabricate stories about Al gore
Draft Gore Criminals ruins and Destroys Al Gore ‘ s Reputation.

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying

Edwards supporters , Hillary’s supporters Obama supporters never trust the con Artists Draft Al Gore people. These Con Artist are deceiving and lying to the Democrats and the Americans with their Fake signatures which they got from few members just Like the way they stole Money from Katrina Victims. Since I am a software developer for the last 13 years I know how they are manipulating and cheating the people by messing around with the software (Elementary Level tricks) . Draft Al gore Idiots think everyone is fools and Idiots like them. These people are Criminals . They want to fool the you Edward’s supporters and Hillary’s supporters and other democratic presidential candidates. These people are worthless Con Artists , Liars and Crooks in the entire Universe. Evil doers, Draft Al gore People are embarrassment for the rest of the Democrats and other Gore supporters. They have may be only 50 to 70 members who support their Criminal Activity. Their behavior is disgrace full for the rest of the democrats and for the Other Americans. All they do is Lie, Cheat , con the Poor Vulnerable Democrats and the Americans.These people would do anything to con the Americans.Con Artist Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams are thieves and con artists Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims.Draft Al Gore con Artists stole money from the Katrina VictimsDraft Al Gore Tennessee woman Monica Friedlander steals Money from America By Using Al Gore ' s Name Monica Friedlander , Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, MB Williams are thieves and con artists . Draft Al Gore Dating Service steal Money from innocent Katrina Victims Jan Moore Evil witch Stole Money from Katrina Victims . Con Artists and Racist Susan Madrak, Con Artists and Racist Monica Friedlander, Con Artists and Racist Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ), Con Artists and Racist MB Williams Steal money from American People By lying and conning people that they are Drafting Al Gore. These people are Unemployed worthless liars and crooks who are ripping off the American people .They would do anything to steal money from the people.They don’t have any communication or connection with AL Gore. Al Gore doesn’t even know that they exist.These people don’t have any Moral Values or Ethics. They will do anything to con the poor vulnerable innocent American People. The same Monica Friedlander encouraged Jan Moore to steal money from the Katrina Victims in 2005. Monica Friedlander taught that Evil vampire Jan Moore how to steal money from the people when she had in 2002 when she was a member of that con operation in 2002. Con Man Neo Libman is trying to become a very successful politician in the future by trying to Draft Al Gore.However neither does Al Gore aware of these criminals nor does he want to have anything to do with these criminals.Neo Libman ( his Id at DailyKos : NeuvoLiberal ) and His Postings at Dailykos are at . Check it out. I believe he wants to be Chief of staff of Al Gore then senator, governor and eventually US President. America make him as your President. America You have the Power. America these evil doers are getting used to stealing and conning you the Poor Vulnerable Americans. That’s not right.. He is also a member at under disguise . These evil doers are collecting money from the Innocent, vulnerable, democrats and from the Gore supporters by cheating , lying and conning American people. Then there are few X Dean supporters and few other liberal groups like working for these evil Doers to execute their Evil activities. Draft Al gore Movement is a Dating service for the abandoned desperate old ladies. This is how they meet their young men to flirt around and hit on them steal them from their Girl friends and Wives.
It’s funny these evil doers are going to draft Al Gore?? These are real con artists and criminals use other’s money to become popular and get credit for what they don’t even deserve, 3 rd grade 3 class lower class criminals, evil witches. They are Susan Madrock, Monica Friedlander, Neo Libman, MB Williams . They use vampire Jan Moore for their dirty work.
Now They all going to be destroyed by God completely and sent to hell for their crimes. They are going to have many surprises coming up which they don’t even expect…Ignorant, dum stupid , idiots… and burn in hell for their evil work.
Racist Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina VictimsBasically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America. Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. Draft Gore people are very conservative and old people who are not well educated and don’t have enough Intelligence in their brain.Racist Draft Al Gore people created more than 25000 Illegal fake signatures at Draftgore web site. . With the help of 55 members Draftgore people have created more than 25000 signatures to fool the republicans and other democrats and to show America that they have enough support for Al Gore to be drafted in 2008 and to collect money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable democrats. Draftgore web site is initially created by Monica Friedlander, a old conservative woman from Tennessee. Now there are other people have joined her, people like Janet and Dylon (loser) from and Karen , Neo Libman from Algoresupportcenter and Jan Moore (patriotsforgore) , who stole the money from the Innocent Katrina Victims in 2005.There is also another college drop out , loser and an old lady “Susan Madrak” have joined them to create a Partisan political Draft gore movement , which nobody cares because Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.These people’s act is deceitful and Disgraceful for other democrats and an Embarrassment for the people who voted for Al Gore in 2000. This is an insult and embarrassment for the millions of people who voted for him in 2000 and for the people still supporting Vice President Al gore.However these evil doers are pretending like that they have some close connection and communication with Al Gore and try to pretend to the world that they have some influence over his decision in case if he ever decides to run in 2008, although they got several warnings from Gore‘s office not to bother them. Even Tipper Gore is not very comfortable with these evil doer’s harassment and she her self openly mentioned this to the Chairman of, when he met her in Houston.It’s funny some of these Idiots (Bone Head Morons) are giving advices to Al Gore at the Blog, these evil doers think they have something to offer Mr.gore. Neither do they have any ideas nor do they have any intelligence in their bone Head so that they can give it to MR. Gore..Criminals no matter whatever they do or say, lying, Cheating and conning people is mixed in their blood. People post information on the web sites so that others can read them.They have used the similar tactics at in the past and got away with that crime , which is creating fake signatures and duplicating votes when they do polling. They used the same deceitful way to show the Americans that Al Gore is getting more support than the other presidential candidates among the Bloggers to run for presidential office in 2008 . These people’s criminal behavior is wrong, disgusting , deceitful, and disgraceful . America these people think they can lie , cheat and con you and get away with their crime.They should be ashamed of them selves and Americans and the rest of media should never take these criminals serious anymore.Monika (Evil Old Lady) from draftgore web site helped these people to create fake signatures in order to boost the support so that she can collect more money from the poor, innocent, vulnerable Gore supporters.Monica tried to do the same thing in 2004 and she failed those supporters then. Now she is doing it again. The same people tried to do the same thing in 2004 and they collected thousands of dollars from the vulnerable innocent Gore supporters and failed them in 2004.They ended up taking everybody’s money and got away with their crimes. Now they are trying to do the same thing .Neither did Al gore ever approve these con Artist’s activities nor has he ever been supportive towards their evil activities. This is an entertainment for the desperate unemployed Con artists who are depending on their spouses and on the government for their income. As far as I know they will never accomplish anything beside stealing and spending the innocent vulnerable democrat’s money. There is also another evil witch, Liar and Crook , college drop out , total loser, “Susan madrak” begging the poor Vulnerable Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment and giving false promises and hopes for these innocent democrats.This deceitful and disgraceful for other democrats and an insult for other true Gore supporters who voted for him in 2000.

Racist Gore Supporters stole money from Katrina Victims in 2005 used that money for their personal expenses. Now they are begging the democrats for more money to Draft Mr. Al Gore, who is not interested in running in 2008 , these are criminals lying to the American People by giving false promises and hopes . They are liars and Crooks and Thieves. Jan Moore and James are the main thieves America don't fall for their dirty trick . These are the same people got kicked out from the and now they are posting environmental Information at www. and pretending to be pure environmental con artist and they are trying to recruit the innocent environmentalists for their dirty political game, they are engaged in.Jan Moore from the Patriotsforgore Collected and raised money for the Katrina Victims in 2005 and Used it for her own personal Expenses.These are the same people hang around at other gore supportive forums to discuss about their dirty political games. They are incapable of accomplishing anything in their life, who are unemployed and depending on their spouse and government for their income. Basically this is an entertainment for them, conning the poor vulnerable American people. America never trust these con artists , crooks and liars.These Evil doers are pretending to the world that they are capable of drafting vice president Al gore in 2008 with their few dollars, according to the Evil and the old witch Susan. You Evil doers don’t have any influence on Al Gore now and you will not have any influence on his future decision. Basically these are criminals and sinners of the world , reaping what they sowed in their past life.He is more enlightened than you think and imagine.These are the same losers who were after other candidates in the past and Lost the election to the republicans. They have nothing to offer to Mr. Gore. Millions of Americans Voted for Gore in 2000. I am sure he doesn’t need any of these evil witches or demons ..Here is one Evil witch, Liar and Crook “Susan madrak” begging the poor Americans to donate money for their short time entertainment. Here is susan lying to America and conning people . At the end all the con artists , crooks and liars will become the total losers and Al Gore will never be drafted by anyone.According to the chairman of Prediction in Jan 2004 .Basically they are trying to become famous and popular with your money by deceiving you America.Therefore never trust these con Artist (so called Draft Gore 2008 people) who are trying to steal your money and trying to get credit for what they are not responsible for by deceiving you America and establish fame and popularity for them selves by cheating, lying and deceiving the vulnerable Democrats and other Americans. They are also using the innocent , good man Vice President Al Gore’s name to deceive the Americans. Soon these Con Artists are going to be very disappointed and America would be able to see their deceitful motivation and manipulation.
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